Why are Ear Infections Common in Babies Symptoms and Treatment

Ear infections in infants can not only be a painful experience for your little ones but for you too. Many parents complain of having sleepless nights and before they feel that their child has had ear infections. Since the babies do not realize where they feel pain, it is best that you are well aware of symptoms of ear pain.

What is an ear infection?

Ear infection or otitis media (OM) is a middle ear infection which is usually caused by bacteria. Bacteria are then visible when the fluid is formed behind the eardrum, usually due to a blocked Eustachian tube. Children are more likely to have ear infections than adults. In fact, five out of six children will have at least one ear infection before the age of three. Pain in infants is one of the most common causes, parents who take their child to the doctor.

Why are ear infections common in infants?

Eustational tube is one of the main components to maintain balance in the body and there is an entrance between the middle ear and throat. Since throat is moist, it is a reproductive land for bacteria. Any obstruction in the eustachian tube can produce fluid in the middle ear. Since the baby's tube is relatively small and narrow, it is very easy to travel to the middle ear for bacteria and cause the infection.

What is the cause of ear infections in infants?

Infants have ear infections for the following reasons:

The infection occurs when bacteria infects the formation of fluid in the middle ear.
Due to blocking Eustachian tube, the fluid gets accumulated in the middle ear.  When your child gets cold, the Eustachian tube is blocked when allergens, or sinus infections occur.
The use of a pacifier can increase the incidence of otitis media in your child by up to 33%.Symptoms of Ear Infection in Babies
A child has many symptoms of ear infection, on which you can monitor.

running nose
Ear flux
Irritability and raucousness
Sleep down
Crying down
loss of appetite
Treatment of ear infections in infants
In the treatment of ear infections in infants, eliminating bacteria in the middle ear, reducing obstruction of the eustastian tube, and increasing your child's general immunity.

Most doctors will stop prescribing antibiotics to treat ear infections, especially if it is a mild infection. Instead they will give pain relief medicines to your baby. If the infection does not show any improvement in the first 48 to 72 hours or becomes more severe, then your doctor may put your child on antibiotics.

Can ear infections in infants be serious?

If left untreated, ear infections can become an over-stressed issue. A serious infection can rupture the ear in the ear. A broken eardroid will be cured quickly, but to ensure that continuous healing will be required that it is recovering properly.

Why is proper treatment of ear infections important?

With all infections, if left untreated, an ear infection can spread to the rest of the body and cause a more serious condition such as mastoiditis or meningitis, which requires more medical attention. If antibiotics are used, then bacteria can get resistance to the drug if it is not handled properly. This can cause frequent infections that can cause a final loss of hearing in your child.

How to reduce the pain of ear infections in young children with home remedies?

There are many ear infections for infants, which you can try at home so that your child may get inconvenience and pain.

Hot compression:

Grab a cloth dipped in hot water, which will cause extra water to be drained out on the ears. This will help your child reduce the inconvenience caused by ear infection.


If your child has become very old, then shake it with salt water, which will clear the eustastian tubes and also calm the throat irritation.

Hot Oil:

If there is no discharge from the ear and the eardream is retained, you can put some drops of hot oil in your child's ear. Use olive oil, sesame oil, or garlic oil.

Does the treatment of ear tubes help in many ear infections?

Some babies are prone to many ear infections that arise from a single ear infection that have not been reduced despite antibiotics. In this scenario, the first step is to see if the primary infection in the ear can be treated with antibiotics. If the infection continues for months without end, then the person can see the ear tubes as a way to relieve them.

This is a procedure in which the surgeon will put a small incision in your child's eardream, through which a tube will be inserted. This artificial Eusteshion tube acts as a vent and stops the formation of fluid and gives relief in the air, giving relief from the pressure. Because of this, bacteria can not grow in the middle ear.

The process of ear tubage is recommended for those children who have the following conditions:

Loss of hearing at a certain level
A middle ear with structural damage
Inactive ear infections or the formation of fluid in the passive ears
Discuss the options available with your doctor regarding the process and the various professionals and the opposition.

Is ear infection infectious in children?

While the actual ear infection is not contagious, an infection that can lead to inflammation of the eustastian tube, can be contagious. Because the children are usually in the daycare centers or in the school, where many other children are nearby, so it is best that you avoid visiting your sick child in these places and prevent other children from spreading the infection.

Do antibiotics are needed to prevent ear infections in infants?

First, the approach to all ear infections was to determine antibiotics immediately. However, with new research, more and more doctors prefer the wait and clock approach. This is for two reasons. First of all, one third of the ear infections in children is caused by the virus, which is not affected by antibiotics. Another reason is that repeated use of antibiotics can lead to bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

If the child with ear infection is less than two years old, antibiotics are sure to be prescribed. This is done because children of this age can not communicate whether their ears are in pain or not. Also, children of this age are more prone to complications of ear infections.

How long does it take to recover from an ear infection?

If your child is given antibiotics then they should start improving within a few days of the beginning of the dose. If their condition is continuously worsening, then you should bring it to your child's doctor's attention. In all probability, the doctor will write a strong set of antibiotics. Under any circumstances, antibiotics should not be stopped until the full curriculum is over. This is because some remnants can be saved, and if antibiotics are stopped suddenly then it will regain strength again.

How to prevent infant's ear infections?

One person can make sure that the ear infection will not affect your child following the suggestions given below:

1. Staying up to date on vaccination

Many infections that cause obstruction of eustastian tubes can be prevented by vaccination. Most babies will experience pain in ear after a fight with flu. You should talk to your child's doctor about getting an annual flu shot to prevent the annual infection of flu and ear.

2. Breastfeeding

It is important to breastfeed your baby for the first six months of your life because breast milk contains antibodies that will help your child fight infection. These antibodies work only for the first six months.

3. Not Smoking

Studiesshow that children who are in such an environment, including adults, who smoke, are more likely to get infected. This is because the smoke suppresses your child's immune system and leaves them open for bacterial infections, which can cause ear infections.

4. Avoiding Day Care Centers with a large number of children
Day care

The number of children in your child's daycare is high, it is high probability that one of the children has an infectious disease that can catch your baby. Ensure that the number of children in daycare is small and manageable.

5. Raising the head while drinking Milk boy

Your child's head should be above their stomach level. If not, the fluid may flow back to its Eustachian tube.

6. Prevent allergies Child allergy

Try to identify your child different allergies, especially those affecting your child's respiratory system. Do not allow pets at home, make sure that the child's room is free of dust, and use the hypoallergenic bed for your child.

When to call a doctor?

It is imperative to have your doctor posted in the first instance because there is more serious complications than doing so. It is best not to delay the necessary medical attention for the infection. Your child's doctor will check the eardream with an oscope. If the eardream is red and bulging, it means that your child has ear infections.

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